Section: Dissemination


Steering and Main Lecturing Activities

Members of the team has been responsible for or contributing to the following main study programs:

  • The team is a main contributor (of approx. 1000 hours in 2010-2011) to the informatics education (2600 hours in total) within the four-year engineering program at École des Mines de Nantes.

    The team is steering, chairing and the main contributor to a fourth-year informatics specialization for a total teaching volume of 800 hours of which Ascola is contributing 210 hours.

  • The team has designed and set up a three-year Apprenticeship engineering program for a total teaching volume of 1800 hours (816 in informatics). The first year of the formation started in Oct. 2011; Ascola is contributing 95 hours in 2011-2012.

  • The team is steering and teaching a 48-hour module on AOSD in an MSc program that is organized jointly by University of Nantes and École des Mines de Nantes.

  • Members of the team have taught different courses at different study levels in Rennes that are mainly organized by University of Rennes and the research institutes Irisa and Inria.

Habilitations (HdR) and PhD Supervision

  • Jean-Marc Menaud has defended his habilitation (HDR, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) on Jun. 22, 2011 [13] .

  • This year 5 PhD theses have been defended by students of the ASCOLA team: